Friday, January 15, 2010

Resolutions Fail


Well, so far I’m failing (maybe I jinxed myself by calling them New Year’s Resolutions). I have yet to get a job. I still don’t know what to do with my life, and we can go on from there. I am actually excelling at finishing all the books I start, but I really really really want to drop There but for the Grace of God by Fred Rosen. His books look so interesting (of course my library doesn't carry most of them) so I thought I would check out the only one my library carried. It is supposed to be about seven survivors of serial killers. However, it really isn’t and I’ll probably expand on that at another time.

Another fail, I bought new books. But does it really count if I didn’t pay for them? I went to the used bookstore with B (it was peer pressure really) and traded some of mine in and got three. I think I did good considering that I could have gotten one more book but instead I opened an account. And I got books I couldn’t get at the library. Also, it doesn’t count if I simply acquire the books. Right? I went through the books B was turning in and found about fifteen I wanted to read. So now I have that stack sitting in my room. Also, my father just gave me another Joseph Campbell book to read. Anyone else feel like there just isn’t enough time to read everything that you want to read?

I think I also failed with how often I am supposed to blog. But for this I have an excuse! Kind of. I was planning on writing on Monday, but I woke up with a no good, horrible, evil migraine. Then, I had to take my best/worst frenemy Imitrex, which left me nauseas and wiped out on Tuesday. Hurray. Fun. Time. On Wednesday I had to pick my father’s stepson up from school and watch him till after nine. I got a lot of reading done, but felt wonky from spending so much time at my father’s house. So, I dove into the wonderful sea of fiction and let its waters cleanse me.

The gym is also a failure. I still haven’t been yet, but tomorrow is the day. I swear!

About applying to graduate school… If I apply to graduate school this go around I need to schedule my GRE and email my Professors for recommendations. This is the part that terrifies me. Not the GRE but asking for Professors recommendations.

Every other resolution is going quite well. So !Hurray! for that.

Well, now I’m tired. So I will finish my fish-shaped bottle of white wine (thanks to my sister) and read until I fall asleep.
Love to ALL!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. I think everyone is depressed right now. Talk about a downer...
    Don't worry, if you get the books for free, it doesn't count against your resolution. Trust me, I know these things.
    And the job market sucks because of our crap-tastic economy. (This I also know. From experience...)
    Love you K.

    PS. I hate to quit reading book. It makes me feel like I'm just giving up. But I have to remember that crappy books are wasting my time. That perfectly good books are out there, waiting for me, and my I-don't-want-to-be-a-quitter attitude are getting in the way of a perfect girl-on-book relationship. So my advise? Dump the stupid book. =)
